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Rewards and Recognition: How to Show Appreciation to Your Team

Ensuring employees feel valued for their achievements isn’t just an exercise in kindness—it’s also crucial to the health of the organization, as it enhances trust in leadership and increases productivity.

So, what’s the easiest way to show appreciation to your employees? There’s no one right answer, but we’ll explore several ways that have proven effective.

 Reverb has a focus on fun teams, leadership development, and being kind to others when it comes to people’s practices. Making employees feel valued is part of our MO so definitely listen up. 

Offer In-the-Moment Kudos

You can never go wrong with instant gratification. To keep up the momentum of great work, don’t wait for a formal celebration to recognize your staff’s efforts. If a member of the team surpasses a goal or brings a new idea to successful completion, let them know in the moment how proud you are of their work. Even a verbal “nice job” will do.

Host Events

Zoom meetings webcam event laptops on desk

While you shouldn’t wait to congratulate an employee for a special achievement, it is okay to present a more grand celebration at a later time. Whether monthly or even quarterly, an event for the whole team to look forward to can act as an additional incentive for employees. A festive party or picnic in the park are just a few ways to re-energize the crew.

This is more important than ever before, with so many companies turning to remote work due to the coronavirus pandemic. We want to feel more connected to our coworkers and employees now that we can’t see them face-to-face. Without the ability to chat during a meeting or hang out during lunch break, it’s important to create events that help everyone bond. Maybe a board game night over Zoom or Netflix parties

Related: Tips for Leading Remote Teams: COVID-19 and Beyond

Break Bread

Made popular by startups, having snacks readily available (and free) for your team is another morale booster. But why not take it a step further and have breakfast or lunch brought in occasionally? The ritual of eating together helps break down social barriers, plus it offers another way for employees to feel appreciated.

Make it Personal

While tickets to a nearby sporting event may excite one employee, it may bore another to tears. If you reward your team with tangible gifts, be sure to research what the recipient likes before making any purchases. This can be achieved by conducting an employee survey of personal preferences or by reaching out to their closest teammates for suggestions. Avoid promotional items with the company logo—those can be distributed during volunteer opportunities or as extras during the holidays. Make it about the employee and their contributions.

Give Them a Break

Sometimes the greatest gift you can give a hard worker is time away from work. If they’ve demonstrated exceptional service or aptitude, perhaps offer them an afternoon off on a sunny day or add vacation days to their official benefits when they hit a big milestone. Time is precious and the more you can give back, the greater your employee will feel.

This is another tip that works quite well during life-changing situations like the coronavirus pandemic. Start meetings by checking in with everyone and asking how they all feel. Let employees know that you understand why they may be distracted here and there or offer them support as they try to get used to a remote set up. 

Related: Coronavirus: Guidance for Business and Employers

Motivate Monetarily

Whether you build it into their performance review goals or surprise them with impromptu spiffs, money can be a very powerful way to validate and appreciate individual success. If cash is operationally difficult for your organization to offer, gift cards to everything from gas stations to grocery stores are good alternatives; just be sure to research your state’s tax laws for potential contribution allowances.

Take a Charitable Approach

hands together teamwork charity

A great way to pay it forward and offer employees a feel-good response for their efforts is to make a charitable donation in their name to their favorite nonprofit, or allow them time away from their regular work to volunteer in person. Some companies let their team members bank hours until they get a full day to take off for a philanthropic project of their choice; others prefer the donation route. Just remember if you take this approach, let the employees pick something that’s meaningful to them (or at least select from options you’ve pre-approved).

Say Thank You

It can be as simple as a thoughtful email or as elegant as a handwritten card, just as long as the sentiment is communicated sincerely. Privately letting someone know that their efforts have not gone unnoticed can be just as impactful as a tangible reward or gift. It costs nothing and takes very little time, too.

In Conclusion: Communicate and Validate

However you choose to recognize employees, making them feel like they’re appreciated and communicating clearly why they’re being recognized is paramount. Provide an explanation of why you’re so proud of their specific achievement and validate the results of how it helped the organization so they can see how their contribution helped the greater good.

To retain, cultivate and delight your employees, recognition must be evident. As long as your methods don’t create a culture of entitlement, your company culture will be stronger for it.

If you need more support in building a healthy, inclusive culture that engages your team, Reverb is here to make it happen. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with coaching, leadership development, and flexible people operations. 



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