Holiday Policies Offer The Flexibility Employees Are Looking For

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The city of Seattle will celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day on October 14, a day when many organizations are observing the federal holiday of Columbus Day. Indigenous Peoples Day recognizes and honors Native American history and culture rather than Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. There’s a lesson here for companies thinking through their holiday policies. With increasingly […]

What A Car Can Teach Us About A Successful Career


I was talking to Andrea, a leader in a big corporate here in the Seattle area. Very smart and hardworking she was, her resume spoke for itself. As a senior director role in this new job, she was facing some challenges. The main feedback was, others didn’t know what value she was bringing to the […]

Supporting Working Parents During Back-to-School Season and Beyond

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Back-to-school season is an important time for company leadership and managers to be aware of the challenges faced by their employees who are also parents. The beginning of a new school year involves a number of stressful changes for working parents, such as more complex commutes and busier mornings getting children ready for school, lining […]

Diversity Best Practices: How to Bring Diversity and Inclusion to Your Organization

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In today’s world, more and more companies are embracing diversity and inclusion to strengthen their teams, their culture and their bottom line. Earlier this year, Forbes cited a report providing evidence that diverse teams produce greater profitability. So, if you’re an HR professional at an organization that wants to increase inclusion, where do you start? […]

#Decency Pledge

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It’s been an amazing week for decency in Seattle, and it’s not over yet. While Uber and Binary Capital are going through very public reviews of errant behavior, it’s spurring some of the best conversation I’ve heard about culture. The Uber example is especially poignant because it demonstrates how a toxic culture can ruin a […]