2nd Annual Transformational HR Summit Recap

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Culture is the New Currency The 23rd of October marked the 2nd Annual Transformational HR Summit, organized by the Seattle HR Collective, a joint venture between Reverb and Recruiting Bandwidth founded in 2016. The goal of the HR Collective is to bring local HR and Talent professionals together to discuss the trends, build community, and […]

Three signs you’ve created a culture of psychological safety

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Three signs you’ve created a culture of psychological safety If candor, risk-taking, and a feedback culture are the norm for your team, chances are you’ve achieved a high level of psychological safety. Psychological safety is more than being comfortable with and liking your teammates. It’s the belief that your work environment is safe for personal […]

Seattle HR Collective: Hiring Big Company Talent into Your Startup

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Karthik Sivakumar, Head of Operations at Pro.com, joined Mikaela Kiner for a fireside chat on an autumn evening at the September Seattle HR Collective Meetup. He’d happily spent several years working for large companies. He connected with founders of Pro.com a few years ago and they were very persuasive in convincing him to try out a small company […]

Weaponization of Values

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Don’t Let Good Core Values Go Bad While most companies today set core values, they can unfortunately be a double-edged sword. At their best values serve as guidelines for the ethos of the company and drive the right kinds of behaviors and decisions. Too often, values end up being a meaningless word soup of business […]

I Thought I Built a Great Culture, What Happened

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As an executive coach and HR professional I work with leaders every day who experience wins and losses, sometimes minutes apart. They face failures big and small, and the most confident have learned to reframe those failures as learning – fail fast, fail well – and move on. Stats vary, but current research shows that […]

What HR Needs To Do in the Wake of #MeToo

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Reposted from Seattle Business Magazine Good news: more women are reporting workplace harassment, and the press is paying attention. The bad news is most women, such as those at Nike, must advocate for themselves. A 2017 Harris poll found that just 20 percent of women surveyed thought their company would support them if they spoke […]

5 Ways to Give Your Team an Energy Boost

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As we power through our day-to-day work, we can sometimes lose steam in the monotony or intensity of tasks. Even when teams are succeeding, it’s nice to reward people with a little something extra. As leaders, it’s important to remember to recognize our teams, not only for their productivity, but also to keep them engaged […]

Diversity Best Practices: How to Bring Diversity and Inclusion to Your Organization

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In today’s world, more and more companies are embracing diversity and inclusion to strengthen their teams, their culture and their bottom line. Earlier this year, Forbes cited a report providing evidence that diverse teams produce greater profitability. So, if you’re an HR professional at an organization that wants to increase inclusion, where do you start? […]

An Important Email Message from Norwest on Positive, Respectful, Inclusive Cultures

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Here is a recent email sent by Norwest Venture Partners: To our Portfolio Company CEOs, Founders, and Heads of People: Something that has been top of mind for our portfolio company executives, particularly given all of the news this past year, is how to ensure a positive, respectful, and inclusive culture. We’re extremely focused on […]