
5 Quick Tips to Support Your Team’s Mental Health

May was Mental Health Awareness Month, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t keep up our conversations about mental health!

We’ve been releasing episodes over on the podcast: Humans Beyond Resources, all month long (episodes linked below). We wanted to take this opportunity to share four quick tips we’ve been using to promote mental health practices on the Reverb team.

Sometimes mental health initiatives can feel daunting due to time, cost, and energy limitations. Although there are some awesome resources out there that do require leg work, we’re here to share a few quick and creative ways you can highlight mental wellness at your company.

For small businesses with limited resources, get creative in what and how you offer team members an opportunity to take time out for self care this month and beyond. Ways to support yourself and your team:

    1. Promote time out for walks during the day, and not just at lunch. Fresh air, being in nature, moving your body are all contributors to feeling and being more healthy, happy and productive.
    2. Give a monthly stipend ($25 will go a long way) to employees, so they can pick from awesome health related apps @ ClubHealth. They offer a spectrum of wellness apps, from sleep, finances, family, nutrition, fitness, meditation, pets and more – there’s something for everyone.
    3. Start meetings with personal check in time or try taking a few deep breaths before diving into your agenda. Pausing to acknowledge what’s going on, and practicing intentional breathing to calm & ready your nervous system can provide a big boost & internal reset. 
    4. Role model healthy working habits if you’re the boss. Don’t bug people via Slack or email in the evening or over the weekend. Whatever it is, it can (more than likely) wait!
    5. Incorporate Mental Fitness every day. In a recent podcast episode with Liv from Liberate, she shared how we should re-frame mental health to be in line with our physical health. Sure, we see physical therapists when something goes wrong physically, but we all know what we can be doing to take care of our physical health daily before things go south. Similarly, she argues that there is a handful of things we can do to take care of our mental health by exercising our brain with mental fitness.


Humans Beyond Resources: Mental Health Awareness Month

Remember: Mental health and wellness looks different for EVERYONE and isn’t always green juice and summer walks. We encourage you to broaden your perspective on what mental health looks like, lean into hard conversations, and be gentle with yourself.

If you’d like to chat more about ways to promote mental health on your own team, reach out to and we’d be happy to chat or point you in the right direction. 


On Key

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