Why Is Accountability So Important in the Workplace?

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Accountability seems like a given at work, but you’ve probably been on teams with both high and low degrees of accountability. It’s satisfying to be a member or leader of a team where accountability is practiced and valued. If you’re driven and results-oriented, accountability is a necessity. It’s something every team should have. But how […]

How to Be a Good Manager

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If you’re like me, you’ve had both good and not-so-good managers. There’s plenty to learn from both, whether it’s what to do or what not to do. Since I’m someone who likes to focus on the positives, I’ve decided to share a few traits that my favorite managers have in common.  They Trust Their Team […]

Having Difficult Conversations: How to Mediate Conflict Between Employees

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How do you handle the less fun aspects of being a manager, like intervening when people are experiencing conflict? It’s not fun, but you know that if you don’t address it things will only get worse. Conflict can arise from something as common as creative differences, or at the other extreme when people aren’t treating […]

Switching to Unlimited PTO? Here are the Pros, Cons, and Pitfalls

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If you’ve been in the workforce for a while, you remember the days when you had only two weeks of vacation and a limited number of company holidays. When the Netflix Culture Deck went viral, so did the idea of unlimited PTO, or Personal Time Off. This was a radical departure from the nominal vacation […]

How to Stay Focused at Work

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As if it wasn’t hard enough to focus in the office with coworkers joking in the background, the sounds of ping-pong, and the smells of mystery microwave lunches, this past year brought a whole new set of challenges. People are working from home in small spaces, parents are overseeing kids doing online school, and pets […]

The Benefits of Time Management That May Surprise You

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There’s endless research on time management including David Allen’s famous book Getting Things Done. I once tried following his approach but felt like I had to choose between being efficient and being human. Eventually, I found a method that works for me which includes knowing when to say no.  There are many obvious advantages to […]

Helping People Leaders Meet DEI, Manager Development, and Networking Goals in 2021

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We recently conducted a People Leader survey, and are using the results to fine-tune our 2021 plans at Reverb. This means adding new manager development topics, refreshing The Seattle HR Collective Meetup, and making your goals our priority. I’m excited to share the survey results and next steps with you, as well as a few […]

Take charge of your values

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If you go to any company and ask employees to name the values they see lived out in the organization, they’ll have answers – be decisive; have fun; customer first; this isn’t a safe place to make mistakes. The question companies should be asking is what their lived values are, if those are the values […]

Heart to Heart: How to Have Those Hard Conversations We All Tend to Avoid

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In my experience as an individual contributor, manager, executive and founder I have found very few people who excel at asking for, giving, and receiving feedback. There certainly are some, and I can say with certainty they weren’t born that way. They worked throughout their careers on giving and getting feedback because they know it […]

5 Signs Your Subconscious is Telling You to Quit

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Usually you just know when you’re ready to leave a job, but not always. Sometimes it’s more obvious to those around you, including friends, family and co-workers, long before you recognize you need to move on. Leaving is a big deal, and changing jobs is right up there with moving and having a baby when […]