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Top 6 HR Must-Haves for Every Startup – Part 2

We’re on a roll talking about what kind of HR support startups need. When founders ask when they should invest in HR, I always tell them it’s never too early. That’s because getting good fundamentals in place when you’re small helps with everything from hiring the right people to better retention and engagement.  


Our team recently spent a lot of time thinking about which HR fundamentals are most important and how to approach them in a people-centric way. With startups in mind, we know this information needs to be practical and actionable. You don’t have time for theory when things are moving fast – we get it. 

If you missed the first three HR must-haves  – take a few minutes to go back and read about those first. You’ll learn about interviewing & hiring, competitive pay, and creating a feedback culture. Once you’ve done that, keep reading below. 


I’ve thought about hiring, pay, and feedback. So what comes next? 


Creating Intentional Culture and Values

Every organization has a culture, whether it’s intentional or not. My favorite definition of culture is 👇

Culture = How we do things around here 

It’s important to create a healthy, inclusive culture from the beginning to ensure a lasting positive work environment as your company grows. It’s far easier to focus on culture early rather than letting it happen by accident. 

Culture can be defined as how people in an organization behave and the beliefs that inform those behaviors. Culture is influenced by formal, stated norms but even more so by what people observe, how leaders behave, and what gets rewarded. Intentional culture means that you invest time in defining your culture and describing it to the team. Culture includes all behaviors ranging from how people dress to how decisions are made, and how you handle conflict. 

Once you have an idea about the kind of culture you want and which core values your employees should embrace, you can weave that into all of your people processes including hiring, promotions, and rewards. This creates consistency and helps reinforce your values in everything you do. Culture is a team effort. 


Effective, Scalable New Hire Onboarding

Onboarding is crucial in making a first and often lasting impression on new hires. Studies show that onboarding has a strong impact on retention, tenure, and employee engagement with an organization. You spend so much time finding and hiring good people, which is why it’s important to create a positive and memorable experience when they join you. 

Organizations with a standardized onboarding process experience 62% greater new hire productivity, along with 50% greater new hire retention. Those that invest time and effort in their new employees reap the benefits. If you want to be an employer of choice, make sure every hire’s needs are well met. 


Making Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging a Priority

No culture is healthy unless it’s also inclusive.

DEIB has been a focus of large corporations for years. Today, leading-edge startups understand the importance of prioritizing DEIB from day one. DEIB means creating safe spaces and actively including all voices throughout your organization. 

DEIB is a core part of leadership and culture. Surveys show that younger generations expect companies to focus on and value DEIB. How do you create a DEIB plan and decide which DEIB goals are right for you? Like any other business initiative, the steps to developing a relevant and sustainable DEIB plan include assessing your current state, setting measurable goals, and communicating progress. 

For leaders who have not been a part of DEIB initiatives, this work may feel daunting. Fortunately, there are DEIB experts who do this work for a living. They know how to lead hard conversations and broach sensitive topics while creating a safe space. We strongly recommend talking with an expert if you’re leading DEIB for the first time. Reverb partners with top DEIB firms so feel free to ask us if you need a recommendation. 

There’s lots to do to get your HR fundamentals up and running in a growing startup. While you don’t have to do it all at once, I promise the earlier you pay attention to your culture and people processes, the easier it will be. 


Looking for additional resources?

If you want to learn more about Reverb’s low-cost starter package that includes information on these topics and more plus consulting help you can find all the details here. Ready to chat? Reach out to us directly at


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